• What's Next for Call Centers? Embracing AI in 2024

    11 July, 2024

    Stuck at a problem with your newly bought printer? Or maybe your order is being shipped to another country without your consent? Like, you turned to a call-based customer support session to get it solved. Call centers have been both the frontline and...

  • Ollama Models on Cloud Run

    27 June, 2024

    This blog is a read-along for the repository xprilion/ollama-cloud-run which shows how to deploy various models using the Ollama API on Cloud Run, to run inference using CPU only on a serverless platform - incurring bills only when you use them. Olla...

  • Firebase Data Connect - Getting Started

    27 June, 2024

    tl;dr - Demo: https://dataconnectdemo-x.web.app/, Github: https://github.com/xprilion/firebase-data-connect-demo At Google I/O 2024, the Firebase team announced Data Connect. In their own words - Firebase's first relational database solution for de...

  • How much Randomness do you really need?

    29 April, 2024

    tl;dr: This article doesn't tell you how to generate more random numbers, it asks you - do you need it? And also sort of tells you how to generate more random numbers along the way. In a world full of choices, its easy to come across situations wher...

  • Resume Template by Anubhav - Beat the ATS

    24 March, 2024

    tl;dr - I made a resume template that scores high on ATS systems and has become insanely popular! Since then, I have turned recruiter and finally feel confident in guiding you through resume building. How can you make your own? Learn here! When in 20...

  • Golang vs Python: API Performance Load Test

    28 February, 2024

    In 2016, when I had started learning Python, I was increasingly convinced it would be the last programming language I would learn. After countless projects created with Python, a couple of technical books written, I am now learning Golang. Why? While...

  • Build a Gemini Store with Google Sheets

    11 February, 2024

    Overview Duration: 1 Have you ever been in a situation where you had to qualitatively analyse a large amount of data on a spreadsheet and you wished for someone to take away your pain? With Google's Gemini running directly in your Google Sheets you c...

  • Revamping my blog with Hashnode Headless CMS

    3 February, 2024

    This blog has been written for the Hashnode Headless API Hackathon and the Gatsby + Hashnode Headless + Typescript is publicly available at - https://github.com/xprilion/gatsby-hashnode-headless Since 2019, when I switched to a minimal content layout...

  • The Story of the Wright Brothers and Samuel Pierpont Langley

    16 January, 2024

    In the dawn of the 20th century, the quest to conquer the skies was akin to a modern space race. The central figures in this drama were the Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur, and a distinguished figure, Samuel Pierpont Langley. In the quiet town of...

  • Docker Python Dump HTTP Request Example

    13 May, 2023

    This blog is an explanation for the code present in the github.com/xprilion/docker-python-dump-http-request-example repo. The main purpose of the repo is to create a simple HTTP server developed using Python's Flask framework, hosted in a Docker envi...

  • Job Scheduling on Google Cloud Platform

    13 April, 2023

    Job scheduling is like conducting an orchestra; every task must play its part at the right time to create a harmonious symphony of efficiency. In the world of software systems, job scheduling plays a critical role in ensuring efficient task executio...

  • Python Websockets SSL with Let's Encrypt

    20 November, 2022

    This tutorial is an explanation of my gist Python Websockets SSL with Let's Encrypt . With the launch of HTML5 in 2008, a technology that immediately took off in popularity was WebSockets. According to W3C, the basic definition of a Websocket is - an...

  • High Availability ML Deployments

    9 October, 2022

    The average cost of IT downtime is $5,600 per minute. ~ Gartner Downtimes can be costly. During downtimes, a company may face loss of business, loss of customer trust, loss of reputation in the technical and business community, or even all of these ...

  • Dividing is Easy, Unite if you can

    18 March, 2022

    There’s always an easy option and one that needs courage, patience and a strong will. When I was a kid, every evening, I used to go out to play in a park nearby my home. We were a good mix of kids - boys from several communities and natives of differ...

  • The Cost of Standing Out

    26 May, 2021

    9 years back, on this date, I launched a social network built from scratch. Almost a month later, I added on the same platform a search engine, again, built from scratch. The website gained almost 60,000 users and was soon among the top 1000 websites...

  • Decoding Propaganda In Memes

    11 October, 2020

    Memes - the nice images you see floating around literally everywhere on the Internet these days and the stuff that fuels your social media. Memes began as a source of entertainment - containing jokes and visual additions to the joke which would often...

  • Working with Amazon Keyspaces Cassandra distribution using Python

    17 September, 2020

    Cassandra is a popular NoSQL database with capabilities to handle massive data by using a distributed array of commodity hardware. After a boring introduction, here's the fun part - Cassandra is a Facebook contribution to the world of Open Source, ha...

  • A Generic MongoDB Wrapper API with Flask and PyMongo

    14 September, 2020

    Hey there, hope you're well! It's been a while since I wrote something here, to my defence I wrote this tutorial about How to setup a secure, remote JupyterLab workstation on DigitalOcean. Have you not read it yet? Go ahead and explore it if you're i...

  • Machine Learning On 2GB RAM

    28 April, 2020

    If you think you read the title, or maybe I typed it wrong, you're wrong in both cases. The title proposes an article about performing machine learning with the bare minimum RAM usage, and that's what this article is going to be about. You might thin...

  • Methods of Integrating Artificial Intelligence on Flutter

    16 April, 2020

    One of the coolest UI toolkit's for cross-platform applications, Flutter, a Google offering has grown rapidly in popularity over the last few years. While there are speculations about how Flutter could affect the developer ecosystem, with the under-d...

  • Folding@Home Setup - Local and Cloud VM

    24 March, 2020

    The world is facing an unprecedented situation with the Coronavirus outbreak. It is crucial at these times for everyone to join hands and fight the rapidly spreading virus. Computing power available to researchers is very valuable right now. Folding@...

  • Being Noob - Starting a tech journey

    12 January, 2020

    Hi there! I realized I began sort of suddenly, talking about networks first and then a tech scholarship, while not having yet talked about how things began for me and what I believe is a good way to launch a journey in computer science. So, talking a...

  • What is the Venkat Panchapakesan Memorial Scholarship and Why its not won in a day

    8 January, 2020

    It was with a crazy smile and immense gratitude that I read through the entire mail from Google India about being awarded the Venkat Panchapakesan Memorial Scholarship for the session 2019-20. An amazing and prestigious scholarship, I am really happy...

  • Difference between localhost, and

    4 January, 2020

    I've been often asked, why do we sometimes need to specify the IP for a program to be in order to get it to be accessible from machines outsides the network. I shall attempt to answer the question in this post. What is is ...

  • OMG, a new look!

    24 November, 2019

    Hey there! If you have visited my website in 2019 or before, you would know that my website was pretty blue and very blue. Overall, it was unexciting, and there was no fresh content on it. But did that worry me? Oh yes. So what did I do about it? Dit...

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© Anubhav Singh 2024