Anubhav Singh
Hey, I'm Anubhav Singh. I love building software, mixing stacks and making memes.
Co-founder by Dynopii  & Google Dev Expert in GCP & ML

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Some of my projects: LinkBorg · Project Name Generator · Resume Template · More
I used to lead the volunteer team at GDG Cloud Kolkata and co-led the team at TFUG Kolkata
I established DSC NSEC and Winter of Code.
I used to run a support channel for GSoC aspirants at FossFlow since 2020.

  • Golang vs Rust: API Performance Load Test

    21 October, 2024

    Roughly 8 months back, I wrote an article comparing the performance of Python against Golang, and the latter emerged a clear winner. I went on to explore Golang at depth and even delivered a few talks in which I leveraged the power of goroutines and ...

  • What's Next for Call Centers? Embracing AI in 2024

    11 July, 2024

    Stuck at a problem with your newly bought printer? Or maybe your order is being shipped to another country without your consent? Like, you turned to a call-based customer support session to get it solved. Call centers have been both the frontline and...

  • Ollama Models on Cloud Run

    27 June, 2024

    This blog is a read-along for the repository xprilion/ollama-cloud-run which shows how to deploy various models using the Ollama API on Cloud Run, to run inference using CPU only on a serverless platform - incurring bills only when you use them. Olla...

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© Anubhav Singh 2024